September 2011 - World Lit, Periods 2, 5, and 6

Proficiency Essay Question: Once we know something (or think we do) how does that change our actions?
World Lit
This week's HW: 
1. AoW #4: Use SOAPstone, follow handout directions. Due block day.
2. Favorite Number final draft due Friday
3. Bring Reading Material

Friday, September 30, 2011
Objective: Students will understand and apply the persuasive techniques of ethos, pathos and logos to our learning.
1. Survey - What do you do when debating? (On Moodle) Record your answers.
2. Notes: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
3. Moodle Survey2
4. Analyze the questions, which do you value most? Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?

Wednesday and Thursday, September 28 and 29, 2011
Objective: Students willl review and practice how to write intro essays. Students will then begin to identify major events in the play Julius Caesar.
1. Review intros and Rewrite intro paragraph to "My Favorite Number Essay"
2. Julius Caesar Notes and video.
3. Predict what you will see. Compare and Contrast
4. Start watching the play. Part 1

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Objective: Students will find the main idea and relate it to author's purpose using SOAPStone
1. Finish yesterday's pair/share highlighting
2. Mark paragraphs with AoW Vocab
3. Review: How to Soapstone
4. Want to see a sample Soapstone?
4. Pass back essays, take notes for final drafts

Monday September 26, 2011 
Objective: Students will annotate for understanding and author's purpose.
Journal: They say "Seeing in believing." Do you agree? What do you think this phrase means?
1. AoW #4: Why seeing (the unexpected) is often not believing
2. Annotate on your own.
3. Pair and share annotation
4. Label with AoW Vocab

Proficiency Essay Question: Once we know something (or think we do) how does that change our actions?
World Lit
This week's HW:
1. AoW #2: use the Circles of Connections, AoW vocabulary, semi-colons (I will accept this on Tuesday)
2. AoW #3 annotation and rough draft: due Block Day
3. My Favorite Number: final draft and presentation: due next Friday, Sept 30
4. Vocabulary Quiz - Friday
5. Create Google account

September 21 and 22, Wednesday and Thursday
1. Turn in Favorite Number rough draft
2. Create Google accounts
3. Friendship Committee
4. Explain How to Speak in a Class Discussion
5. Debate: Super Committee Period 2
                                                         Super Committee Period 5
                                                         Super Committee Period 6
Students will examine some of the issues of friendship and leadership that they will encounter in reading Julius Caesar. Through creating "friendship committees" to develop a class friendship constitution, they will begin to think about many of the issues they will read about in the play.
4. Continue Notes on the play and watch the video.

September 20, 2011 Tuesday
1. Warm up - Semicolons on the ticket out.
2. Intro to Julius Caesar, Notes on the Julius Caesar PowerPoint

September 19, 2011 Monday
This week's HW:
1. AoW #2: due by end of class, use the Circles of Connections, AoW vocabulary, semi-colons
2. AoW #3 annotation and rough draft: due Block Day
3. My Favorite Number: final draft and presentation: due next Friday, Sept 30
4. Vocabulary Quiz - Friday
Objective: Students will continue to work on responding critically to non-fiction articles.
1. Finish Response to AoW #2. Ready...set...go!
2. AoW#3

World Lit
September 16, 2011 Friday
Objective: Students will connect personally and socially to a non-fiction article.
1. Brain Pop: Semi-colons
2. Go over Circles of Reflection handout
3. Write Reflection
4. Read

Back to School Night tonight! 
World Lit
September 14 and 15, 2011 Wednesday and Thursday
Objective: Students will analyze fiction and non-fiction documents for theme.
HW: Finish AoW annotation and vocabulary labels and Journals Due
1. Finish chronological time line of the plot for "Contents of a Dead Man's Pockets"
2. Review Handout
3. Finish AoW Vocab Part 2
4. Introduce Circles of Reflection - AoW Response
5. Read AoW #2
6. Write Response to AoW using Circles of Reflection

 September 13, 2011
World Lit:
Due Today: I will collect your Final draft of symbols essay.
Late/Bathroom Pass opportunity: Follow me on twitter or on my blog.  See me once you've done this for your bonus pass.
Homework: AoW #2 annotation, response, quiz - block day
Journals collected Friday.
Book Check - Block Day

1. Journal: What did you do during the blackout that was different than what you normally do at night.
2. Review Final draft of essays
3. Review: Contents of a Dead Man's Pockets and Handout
4. Proficiency Essay Review: Once we know something (or think we do) how does that change our actions?)
5. AoW Vocab part 2

Sub on Monday......
September 12, 2011
World Lit:
Due Today: I will collect your Final draft of symbols essay when I return. Intro and concluding paragraphs ONLY. Typed. Final Drafts- 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, 1 inch margins, Name, date, period Late/Bathroom Pass opportunity: Follow me on twitter or on my blog.  See me once you've done this for your bonus pass.

1. Warm up Journal:
Write about a time you (or someone you know) were paralyzed with fear.
2. Read and Discuss: Contents of a Dead Man's Pockets Lit book page 4. Look for interesting words to use in writing.
4. Response to the short story. Handout

 September 7 and 8, 2011
Way-to-go Wednesday and Thoroughly Thursday
World Lit:
This Week's HW: Book and Binder Check: due block day. Must have reading material when you walk in the door.  Binder must have: AoW instructions, Mind Map for AoW instructions, AoW Vocabulary, Mrs. Hrin's response to your first essay, intro samples worksheet
HW: Final draft of symbols essay: Intro and concluding paragraphs ONLY. Typed.
Late/Bathroom Pass opportunity: Follow me on twitter or on my blog.  See me once you've done this for your bonus pass.
Final Drafts- 12pt font, Times New Roman or Arial, 1 inch margins, Name, date, period

Objective: Students will understand how to analyze poetry for theme
Learning Agenda:
1. Read - Vocab Hunt and Binder Check
2. Review - classroom reward structure/consequences
3. Finish- Intro Paragraph activity with your Buddy
3. Read and Annotate Poem - Video: You Want a Social Life, With Friends
5. Begin Reading: Contents of a Dead Man's Pockets Lit book page 4. Look for interesting words to use.

Finally Friday!  9/2/11
World Lit:
Objective: Students will learn how to write concluding paragraphs.
Learning Agenda:
1. WARM UP - 
a. if you want to add anything to your rough draft, do that now
b. if you are done with your rough draft: joural
Journal: What is one of your favorite songs and why?
2. Peer edit rough drafts
Symbol Writing assignment

CaHSEE English:
Objective: Students will practice scoring a 3 or better on the CaHSee
Journal: What is one of your favorite songs and why?

Learning Agenda: 1. journal
2. Vocab and Reading Practice: Create Your Own Vocab
3. Is it a 1, 2, 3 or 4?
4. Reading practice - Disaster Fatigue

Thrilling Thursday Block 9/1/11
World Lit:
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of author's purpose and begin to understand the literary value of symbols.
Learning Agenda:
1. WARM UP - 
a. if you have reading material - read
b. if you don't have reading material - journal
Journal: What was a book you read that you really liked? Did you read it for school or for fun? What can you  do to remember to bring reading material to class? 
Make a list of all the different types of reading you have to do in real life.
2. staple and turn in AoW: annotation, response, mind map
3. Vocab quiz - read when finished
4. symbols - notes
5. Symbol worksheet
6. Begin symbol writing Rough Draft - due Friday

CaHSEE English:
Objective: Students will understand what makes an effective essay and practice scoring different essays.  They will then practice attacking a prompt, brainstorming, and putting their essay ideas in order and then writing an on demand essay
Journal: Make a list of anything you can think of that is red or gold (go Grizzlies!)

Learning Agenda: 1. journal
2. Cahsee essay rubric
3. Is it a 1, 2, 3 or 4?
4. Use the ABC's of essay prep and then write an essay
(read when done)
5. Reading practice - Disaster Fatigue

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