December, Periods 2, 5, and 6

Tuesday, Thrusday, December 13, 15, 2011

This week's homework 12/12/11
1. Study for Final:
Review AoW and quiz questions
Review the poem and questions "The Second Coming"

Monady, December 12, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze literature from two different cultures that have the same theme.Agenga
1. Journal:
Think about the title Things Fall Apart.  Have you or someone you know ever felt like "things" fell apart in life?  What happened? How did it feel?
2. Poem "The Second Coming"
3. Final Review

Friday, December 9, 2011
Objective:  Students will synthesize themes from the novel.

1. 15 minutes prep: Work on AoW or Finishing the novel or Found Poem or Work on Packet, due Monday
2. Quiz - AoW and end of the novel
3. Found Poem - upload final draft to Moodle
4. Work on packet.

Wednesday/Thursday, December 7/8, 2011
Objective:  Students will synthesize themes from the novel.

1. Read chapter 19
2. Quiz - Chapter 17 -19
3. Go over Expectations for Packet
4. Found Poem - draft and final. 
 Quotes from the novel
AoW 13 Not Just One Story
AoW12  Injustice For Women
AoW 10 Parent/Teen Relationships
Sample Poems
5. Vocabulary Chapters 20 - 25
6. Read Chapters 20 - 25

Sentence of the week:  What the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe calls "a balance of stories."
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Objective:  Students will review for final and read.

1. Warm Up - Sentence of the Week and Final Review
2.  Chapters 17 and 18. Things Fall Apart. Read and Answer Questions.

Sentence of the week:  What the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe calls "a balance of stories."
What makes this sentence a phrase? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence. Why are there quotes around "a balance of stories"?

Monday, December 5, 2011
Objective:  Students will practice response to literature skills.

Warm Up - Journal
If someone just met you once, how would they describe you?  How does this differ from the REAL you?  What details about you and your life aren't obvious to others?

2. AoW 13 "The Danger of a Single Story" by Chimamanda Adichie. Video of Speech.
3. Review AoW requirements.

This week's homework 11/28/11
1. AoW #12 - Annotate, label, respond.  Be ready for the quiz on Friday
2. Reading Quiz, chapters 11 -13, due Block Day, Chapters 14 and 15 due Friday.

3. Optional: bring money to donate to Heifer International.

Sentence of the week:  "You know, if they work hard and stay in school."
What makes this sentence a fragment? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Objective:  Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.

1. Finish reading chapter 15
2. Aow Quiz, And Chapter 14 and 15 Quiz.
3. Work on Vocabulary for 14 - 19, 20 -25
4. Read chapter 16

Thursday, December 1, 2011
Objective:  Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.

1. Quiz, Chapter 11 - 13.
2. Presentations
3. Survey: Research Project Reflection 

4. Vocabulary chapter 14 - 19
5. Read Chapter 14 and 15

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