Week of December 17
1. Packet due today, finish modifier page
2. Work on "10 things" research.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, December 18 - 20, 2012Finals
Monday, December 17, 2012
Objective: students will use modifiers correctly
1. misplace modifiers
2. dangling modifiers
3. self test
4. worksheet in packet - dangling modifiers.
5. ticket out - draw the sentence or explain the error, then rewrite the sentence correctly.
Example: "The young girl was walking the dog in a short skirt."
The dog isn't wearing a short skirt, the girl is.
Correction: "The girl in the short skirt walked the dog."6. work on research project
Week of December 10, Homework
1. Annotate, answer questions and SOAPStone for Beware Online Filter Bubbles - due Friday, quiz.
2. Worksheet - Passive Voice exercises (last page in packet) - Friday, quiz
4. Work on 10 Things project. Find examples to clarify your facts. Project due January 16 (periods 3 and 5), 17th (period 6).
Friday, December 14, 2012Students will be able to integrate quotes into their writing.
1. Quiz (moodle, Beware Online Filter Bubbles)
2. SOAPStone groups
3. Research
Wednesday/Thursday, December 12/13, 2012
Students will analyze a speech for purpose and tone.
Independently work on:
1. Active voice practice (last page in packet)
2. Annotate speech for main idea and supporting details
3. Answer questions at the end of the speech. Quote the article as part of your answers.
4. SOAPStone the speech on moodle: www. smusd.org/moodle
check your grade and comments from last week's SOAPStone to determine if you have to do this week's assignment. If you have an A, you don't have to do the assignment, but you may do the assignment for extra credit.
5. If your project partners are finished also, you may work with them on your 10 Things project. If they aren't done, do some research and note-taking on your own.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Objective: Students will be able to write in active voice.
1. Active voice notes
2. Active voice self test
3. Active voice exercice - Practicing III, hand write on the back of the page or attach a separate piece of paper.
4. Work on annotation, questions, soapstone
Monday, December 10, 2012
Objective: Students will identify main idea and supporting details.
1. Write down homework
2. Beware online filter bubbles. Review vocab.
3. Annotate and answer questions, full sentences.
Week of December 3, Homework
1. Annotate, vocabulary and summary for American Cultural Imperialism: Gift or Threat? - due Friday, quiz.
2. Cultural Imperialism Vocab Square - due Tuesday
3. Worksheet - Revising Sentences to Create Parallel Structure - Friday, quiz
4. Finish Quote Integration Practice - Friday, quiz
Today is December 7, 2012, the day that according to President Roosevelt is the "the day that will live in infamy." Does anyone know why?
Friday, December 7, 2012
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of sentence structure and theme.
1. raffel
2. collect HW
3. SOAPStone grade, quiz (students who earned 90% or better on last week's SOAPStone will be excused from next week's SOAPStone assignment. I will accept revisions until next Block day.
4. set up Google Presentation
5. Research
Wednesday/Thursdsay, December 5/6, 2012
Objective: students will understand parallel structure. Students will understand how to write a research question. Students will understand what needs to go into a work cited page.
1. Parallel structure notes
2. Do the Self Test
3. Parallel structure worksheet in packet.
4. Works cited page review
5. Research questions notes
6. Choose your topic and team members and write 5 questions that go along with the types of questions reviewed in your notes.
Period 3
Period 5
Period 6
6. Begin research
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Objective: students will collaborate to understand the American Cultural Imperialism
Warm up
On a piece of paper, integrate this quote:
Author: Gaelle Sevenier
Article: American Cultural Imperialism
Quote: "You can read signs in English in every capital."
Page: 2
1. partner compare/contrast of vocab square
2. go over 10 things project
3. review annotation
Friday, December 7, 2012
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of sentence structure and theme.
1. raffel
2. collect HW
3. SOAPStone grade, quiz (students who earned 90% or better on last week's SOAPStone will be excused from next week's SOAPStone assignment. I will accept revisions until next Block day.
4. set up Google Presentation
5. Research
Wednesday/Thursdsay, December 5/6, 2012
Objective: students will understand parallel structure. Students will understand how to write a research question. Students will understand what needs to go into a work cited page.
1. Parallel structure notes
2. Do the Self Test
3. Parallel structure worksheet in packet.
4. Works cited page review
5. Research questions notes
6. Choose your topic and team members and write 5 questions that go along with the types of questions reviewed in your notes.
Period 3
Period 5
Period 6
6. Begin research
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Objective: students will collaborate to understand the American Cultural Imperialism
Warm up
On a piece of paper, integrate this quote:
Author: Gaelle Sevenier
Article: American Cultural Imperialism
Quote: "You can read signs in English in every capital."
Page: 2
1. partner compare/contrast of vocab square
2. go over 10 things project
3. review annotation
Monday, December 3, 2012
Objective: students will read and annotate text for meaning
1. Warm up, write down homework in packet
3. Read American Cultural Imperialism, annotate, find vocabulary, summarize
4. define American Cultral Imperialism - vocab square
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