April 2013, Period 3, 5, and 6

Week of April 29, 2013


1. Read chapters 16 - 17, quiz April 30/May 1

2. Work on Final Draft of research paper. Must be turn it to turnitin.com, May 2nd at midnight. See blog from April 9th for all samples and expectations.

3. Tone practice 1 and 2 - due Tuesday/Wednesday

4. AoW -the Power of One - due Thursday/Friday

5. Station to Station, chapter 14. Due end of class 4/29.

April 30, 2013

1. SSR

2. Quiz, chapters 16 and 17

3. Review final draft expectations

4. finish Station to Station, chapter 14

5. Tone, page 9 and 10, packet.


April 29, 2013

1. SSR

2. finish station to station.

Week of April 22, 2013


1. Read chapters 16 - 17, quiz April 29

2. Work on Final Draft of research paper. Must be turn it to turnitin.com, May 2nd at midnight.

3. Finish Rhetorical Precis, due: next class (3, 5 period, tomorrow, 6th period friday)

4. Station to Station, chapter 14. Due end of class 4/29.

April 25, 2013

1. SSR/Rhetorical Precis

2. Station to Station, chapter 14.


April 24, 2013

1. SSR
2. Quiz
3. Rhetorical Precis.

Week of April 15, 2013


1.  Read chapters 12 - 15, questions and quiz due Wednesday, April 24

2.  Research Paper - Rough draft uploaded to Turnitin.com by Tuesday at 11:59pm

3. Get sleep!

4. All Quizzes made up by Friday.

April 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, and 23, 2013

CST testing! 

Do your best!

Monday, April 15, 2013


1. SSR
2. Transitions - packet page 17
3. Rhetorical Precis.






Week of April 8, 2013


1.  Read chapters 10 - 11, questions and quiz due Friday

2. Continue working on your research paper rough draft. Bring all research materials Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. 

3. Vocabulary. Packet, pages 11 -14.

4. Commas. Packet, pages 31 - 32.

Rough draft due to Turnitin.com: Monday, April 15th at the end of class.

Final draft due to Turnitin.com: Wednesday, April 24th at the end of class.

Announcement: Because of computer vandalism, computers will not be available Friday in class.  Please finish your Rough Drafts outside of class. 
work at home
come here at lunch (must show up within 3 minutes of bell)
work at library

Friday, April 12, 2013

1. SSR

2. Quiz chapters 10 and 11

3. Rhetorical Precis.


Wednesday/Thursday, April 10/11, 2013

Announcement: Because of computer vandalism, computers will not be available Friday in class.  Please finish your Rough Drafts outside of class. 
work at home
come here at lunch (must show up within 3 minutes of bell)
work at library

1. SSR
2. Comma review, packet - pages 31 - 32
3. Vocabulary, packet pages 11 - 14
4. CSTs - Lets do this!
5.CST Review - pages 47 - 55 (slides 83 - 96)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1. Work on paragraph 4, 5  and 6 of research paper.
a. expectations and rubic
b.  outline,
c. ICE
d. sample intro paragraph
e. Cite your sources

Monday, April 8, 2013

1. SSR
2. Write down homework
3. Work on paragraph 2 and 3 of research paper.

a. expectations and rubic
b.  outline,
c. ICE
d. sample intro paragraph
e. Cite your sources


Week of April 1, 2013


1.  Read chapters 8 - 9, questions and quiz due Friday

2. "I have a dream" annotated and bingo card filled out.

3. Begin research paper. Bring all research materials for BLOCK Day research. 

Rough draft due to Turnitin.com: Monday, April 15th at the end of class.

Final draft due to Turnitin.com: Wednesday, April 24th at the end of class.


Friday, April 5, 2013

1. SSR, Packet Check, Chapter 8 and 9 quiz
2. Finish Rhetorical Bingo "I Have a Dream" speech






Wednesday/Thursday, April 3/4, 2013

Rough Drafts:


1. SSR/work on questions
2. Review Research paper expectations and rubic
3. Review outline,
4. Review ICE
5. write the thesis and intro paragraph
6. Review research
7. Cite your sources



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1. SSR

2. I Have a Dream
 - annotate and answer questions

3. Rhetorical Devices Bingo


Monday, April 1, 2013


1. SSR

2. Write down HW

3. I Have a Dream

4. Rhetorical Devices Bingo

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