Objective: Students will learn the difference between annotation and skim
seating chart 4th
seating chart 5th
Warm up: What's not wrong
1. Vocab Square: Annotation vs Skim
2. Article: Question, Discussion, Annotation
August 22, 2013
Objective: Lets learn how to ask questions
1. Juniors:
Satire: What is it?
Job Interview
Journal: How prepared are you for life after high school? What made the video satirical? (What was being critisized?)
2. Read Best Day of His Life
a. With your group of 4, compare questions. Which question does your group want to ask the class? This question should be interesting or important and help the class better understand what the author is trying to say.
4th period: Todaysmeet.com/11th
5th period: Todaysmeet.com/10t
b. Type your names. Write your question.
c. Review questions
d. Discuss with group
e. Pick a question from one of the other groups. Discuss that question with your group. Post your answer.
If time: What is John Green's main idea about reading? John Green, again.
Monday, August 19th, 2013
...and welcome to MRShrin.blogspot.com!
What you need to know....
Agenda:And now for the most important ideas:
1. Today we will practice TALK
Seating arrangements:
a. First name and Rules
b. Age (by birthday) Class Rules
c. Last name
2. Make a Tri-fold name tag
side a. Your First and Last name
side b. Answer - How did talking help you solve the problem?
side c. Besides names and ages what else did you learn through talking?
3. On a final note.... John Green
Any Questions?
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Objective: Students will understand and practice how to use talk to learn.
3. Practice:
a. Restate the author's claim in your own words.
b. What is the effect of the author's use of the antonyms "comfortable" and "uncomfortable"
4. a. With your partner, get into a group of four (4).
b. Make sure one of you has a smart phone and get it out (you heard me right, get your smart phone!)
c. Cell Phone Use
Period 4: http://todaysmeet.com/11th
Period 5: http://todaysmeet.com/10th
5. This time with Feeling:
Discuss the questions with your group. Decide on the best answer and write it in the message box. You only have 140 characters so choose your words wisely.
a. State the author's claim in your own words.
b. How are the two quotes similar?
c. Which one does your group like best and why?
d. What did you learn today by talking? Be specific.
August 21, 2013
Objective: Students will use talk to understand text
Journal: Yesterday's News. What did you learn yesterday?
Common Core - What is it?
Satire: What is it?
Job Interview
Journal: How prepared are you for life after high school?
1. Info sheet, collect syllabus
2. Read Best Day of His Life
a. Just listen as I read the article to you.
b. Read the article to yourself. Only highlight spots where you are confused, have a question, or wonder about something.
c. Reread the section. This time, write a question or make a comment for each highlighted part.
d. With your group of 4, compare questions. Which question does your group want to ask the class? This question should be interesting or important and help the class better understand what the author is trying to say.
4th period: Todaysmeet.com/11th
5th period: Todaysmeet.com/10th
f. Type your names. Write your question.
h. Pick a question from one of the other groups. Discuss that question with your group. Post your answer.
2. Ticket out: What strategies did you use to learn today?
August 22, 2012
Objective: Lets learn how to read.
1. Start with John Green, again.
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