Tuesday, Thrusday, December 13, 15, 2011
This week's homework 12/12/11
1. Study for Final:
Review AoW and quiz questions
Review the poem and questions "The Second Coming"
Monady, December 12, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze literature from two different cultures that have the same theme.Agenga
1. Journal:
Think about the title Things Fall Apart. Have you or someone you know ever felt like "things" fell apart in life? What happened? How did it feel?
2. Poem "The Second Coming"
3. Final Review
Friday, December 9, 2011
Objective: Students will synthesize themes from the novel.
1. 15 minutes prep: Work on AoW or Finishing the novel or Found Poem or Work on Packet, due Monday
2. Quiz - AoW and end of the novel
3. Found Poem - upload final draft to Moodle
4. Work on packet.
Wednesday/Thursday, December 7/8, 2011
Objective: Students will synthesize themes from the novel.
1. Read chapter 19
2. Quiz - Chapter 17 -19
3. Go over Expectations for Packet
4. Found Poem - draft and final.
Quotes from the novel
AoW 13 Not Just One Story
AoW12 Injustice For Women
AoW 10 Parent/Teen Relationships
Sample Poems
5. Vocabulary Chapters 20 - 25
6. Read Chapters 20 - 25
Sentence of the week: What the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe calls "a balance of stories."
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Objective: Students will review for final and read.
1. Warm Up - Sentence of the Week and Final Review
2. Chapters 17 and 18. Things Fall Apart. Read and Answer Questions.
Sentence of the week: What the Nigerian writer Chinua Achebe calls "a balance of stories."
What makes this sentence a phrase? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence. Why are there quotes around "a balance of stories"?
Monday, December 5, 2011
Objective: Students will practice response to literature skills.
Warm Up - Journal
If someone just met you once, how would they describe you? How does this differ from the REAL you? What details about you and your life aren't obvious to others?
2. AoW 13 "The Danger of a Single Story" by Chimamanda Adichie. Video of Speech.
3. Review AoW requirements.
This week's homework 11/28/11
1. AoW #12 - Annotate, label, respond. Be ready for the quiz on Friday
2. Reading Quiz, chapters 11 -13, due Block Day, Chapters 14 and 15 due Friday.
3. Optional: bring money to donate to Heifer International.
Sentence of the week: "You know, if they work hard and stay in school."
What makes this sentence a fragment? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Objective: Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.
1. Finish reading chapter 15
2. Aow Quiz, And Chapter 14 and 15 Quiz.
3. Work on Vocabulary for 14 - 19, 20 -25
4. Read chapter 16
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Objective: Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.
1. Quiz, Chapter 11 - 13.
2. Presentations
3. Survey: Research Project Reflection
4. Vocabulary chapter 14 - 19
5. Read Chapter 14 and 15
December, Periods 3 and 4
Monday, December 12, 2011
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Finish Assignments
3. Prep for Final; Review how to write an essay
Friday, December 9, 2011
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Work on writing project
3. Read Hunger Games
Wednesday/Thursday, December 7/8, 2011
1. Review how to write an essay
2. Read Hunger Games
3. Myth and Minotaur, Reading and Response
4. Create Your Own Reality Show
5. Read Hunger Games
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
1. Warm Up-Journal
Predict what you think will happen NEXT in the story. Why do you think this will happen?
2. Review how to write an essay
3. Read The Hunger Games
4. Fill-out Tributes Chart
Monday, December 5, 2011
1. Warm Up-Journal
If someone just met you once, how would they describe you? How does this differ from the REAL you? What details about you and your life aren't obvious to others?
2. Review how to write an essay
3. Read The Hunger Games
Friday, December 2, 2011
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Make quiz questions for a buddy.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Objective: Students will connect text to their own lives.
1. Technology survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7ZFRBQ
2. Go to moodle: www.smusd.org/moodle
Online chat - what will the future be like
3. Read Hunger Games
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Finish Assignments
3. Prep for Final; Review how to write an essay
Friday, December 9, 2011
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Work on writing project
3. Read Hunger Games
Wednesday/Thursday, December 7/8, 2011
1. Review how to write an essay
2. Read Hunger Games
3. Myth and Minotaur, Reading and Response
4. Create Your Own Reality Show
5. Read Hunger Games
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
1. Warm Up-Journal
Predict what you think will happen NEXT in the story. Why do you think this will happen?
2. Review how to write an essay
3. Read The Hunger Games
4. Fill-out Tributes Chart
Monday, December 5, 2011
1. Warm Up-Journal
If someone just met you once, how would they describe you? How does this differ from the REAL you? What details about you and your life aren't obvious to others?
2. Review how to write an essay
3. Read The Hunger Games
Friday, December 2, 2011
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Make quiz questions for a buddy.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Objective: Students will connect text to their own lives.
1. Technology survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7ZFRBQ
2. Go to moodle: www.smusd.org/moodle
Online chat - what will the future be like
3. Read Hunger Games
November, periods 2, 5, 6
This week's homework 11/28/11
1. AoW #12 - Annotate, label, respond. Be ready for the quiz on Friday
2. Reading Quiz, chapters 11 -13, due Block Day, Chapters 14 and 15 due Friday.
3. Optional: bring money to donate to Heifer International.
Sentence of the week: "You know, if they work hard and stay in school."
What makes this sentence a fragment? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Objective: Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.
1. Quiz, Chapter 11 - 13
2. Moodle Forum.
Go to www.smusd.org/moodle
3. Analysis of Chapter 7
4. Vocabulary chapter 14 - 19
5. Read Chapter 14 and 15
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Objective: Students will practice listening and speaking skills. Students will practice reading comprehension skills.
1. Warm up
2. read Things Fall Apart, chapters 11 - 13
3. Presentations
4. Clockface
Monday, November 28, 2011
Objective: Students will make connections between different literary genres.
Journal: What do you feel are some advantages to living in the United States? Are there disadvantages?
1. Preview Vocabulary
2. Video, Our Century's Great Injustice by Sheryl WuDunn
3. AoW12
4. Heiffer International
5. Presentations
This week's homework 11/14/11
1. AoW #11 - Annotate your section of "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" by Horace Miner with your group. Respond to the questions on the next page.
2. AoW quiz- none this week
3. Reading Quiz, chapters 6-7, due Tuesday. Chapters 8-10, due Friday.
3. 10 things final draft/presentation/works cited page - typed due Tuesday (11/15/11). (sample)
Sentence of the week:
none this week
Friday, November 18, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes, practicing their listening and speaking skills
1. Quiz ch. 6 - 10
2. Presentations
3. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
1. AoW #11- Vocabulary
2. AoW #11- "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"
3. Read chapter 6.
1. Chapter 5 - 7 Vocabulary
2. Chapter 5
2. Finish AoW #10
3. Work on Presentations
4. Make a works cited page, include where you found images
1. Read Chapter 4
2. Quiz
3. AoW #10
1. AoW #10
2. Begin presentation - prezi, or google doc presentation
This week's homework 10/31/11
1. AoW #9 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover compound-complex sentences.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday. (sample)
Sentence of the week:
Jack, it seems, was a bad man. He kept all his money to himself. He wouldn't help people for all of his life.
Combine these sentences without changing the meaning.
1. AoW #9 quiz, moodle
2. Read chapters 2 and 3
2. Answer Questions 1 and 2 in packet.
1. Complex-compound sentences
2. Welcome to Unit Two: The Impact Effect (Packet)
2. Introduction to Things Fall Apart, Map of Africa
3. Vocabulary, Chapters 1 - 4 (Packet)
4. Chapter 1
5. Finish Research
Tuesday, November 1, 2011Objective: Students will understand the background for the novel Things Fall Apart
1. Mrs. Cobb will be your guest teacher today.
2. Read and Annotate about the life and background of the author
3. Finished? Work on AoW
1. AoW #12 - Annotate, label, respond. Be ready for the quiz on Friday
2. Reading Quiz, chapters 11 -13, due Block Day, Chapters 14 and 15 due Friday.
3. Optional: bring money to donate to Heifer International.
Sentence of the week: "You know, if they work hard and stay in school."
What makes this sentence a fragment? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Objective: Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.
1. Quiz, Chapter 11 - 13
2. Moodle Forum.
Go to www.smusd.org/moodle
3. Analysis of Chapter 7
4. Vocabulary chapter 14 - 19
5. Read Chapter 14 and 15
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Objective: Students will practice listening and speaking skills. Students will practice reading comprehension skills.
1. Warm up
2. read Things Fall Apart, chapters 11 - 13
3. Presentations
4. Clockface
Monday, November 28, 2011
Objective: Students will make connections between different literary genres.
Journal: What do you feel are some advantages to living in the United States? Are there disadvantages?
1. Preview Vocabulary
2. Video, Our Century's Great Injustice by Sheryl WuDunn
3. AoW12
4. Heiffer International
5. Presentations
This week's homework 11/14/11
1. AoW #11 - Annotate your section of "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" by Horace Miner with your group. Respond to the questions on the next page.
2. AoW quiz- none this week
3. Reading Quiz, chapters 6-7, due Tuesday. Chapters 8-10, due Friday.
3. 10 things final draft/presentation/works cited page - typed due Tuesday (11/15/11). (sample)
Sentence of the week:
none this week
Friday, November 18, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes, practicing their listening and speaking skills
1. Quiz ch. 6 - 10
2. Presentations
3. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Wednesday/Thursday, November 16/17, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes. Students will continue to understand major plot elements of the novel and will practice vocabulary.
1. Read chapters 6-10, answer all questions 9 - 23
2. Vocabulary, chapters 8 - 10
3. Presentations.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes
1. Set up Cornell Notes
2. Presentations
Monday, November 14, 2011
Objective: Students will connect novel readings to modern societal customs.Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes. Students will continue to understand major plot elements of the novel and will practice vocabulary.
1. Read chapters 6-10, answer all questions 9 - 23
2. Vocabulary, chapters 8 - 10
3. Presentations.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes
1. Set up Cornell Notes
2. Presentations
Monday, November 14, 2011
1. AoW #11- Vocabulary
2. AoW #11- "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"
3. Read chapter 6.
Wednesday/Thursday, November 9/10, 2011
Objective: Students will be able to correctly cite source material.1. Chapter 5 - 7 Vocabulary
2. Chapter 5
2. Finish AoW #10
3. Work on Presentations
4. Make a works cited page, include where you found images
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Objective: Students will read and annotate for main idea and supporting details.1. Read Chapter 4
2. Quiz
3. AoW #10
Monday, November 7, 2011
Objective: Students use technology to present their research topic.1. AoW #10
2. Begin presentation - prezi, or google doc presentation
This week's homework 10/31/11
1. AoW #9 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover compound-complex sentences.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday. (sample)
Sentence of the week:
Jack, it seems, was a bad man. He kept all his money to himself. He wouldn't help people for all of his life.
Combine these sentences without changing the meaning.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Objective: Students will know the major characters in TFA and understand plot development of novel.1. AoW #9 quiz, moodle
2. Read chapters 2 and 3
2. Answer Questions 1 and 2 in packet.
Wednesday/Thursday, November 2/3, 2011
Objective: Students will preview background and vocabulary for TFA. Students will finish researching mini-topics.1. Complex-compound sentences
2. Welcome to Unit Two: The Impact Effect (Packet)
2. Introduction to Things Fall Apart, Map of Africa
3. Vocabulary, Chapters 1 - 4 (Packet)
4. Chapter 1
5. Finish Research
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
1. Mrs. Cobb will be your guest teacher today.
2. Read and Annotate about the life and background of the author
3. Finished? Work on AoW
November, periods 3 and 4
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Objective: Students will connect text to their own lives.
1. Technology survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7ZFRBQ
2. Go to moodle: www.smusd.org/moodle
Online chat - what will the future be like
3. Begin Essay - Attack and Brainstorm and Choose (ABC)
4. Read Hunger Games
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Objective: Students will read for comprehension.
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Write questions
Monday, November 28, 2011
Objective: Students will make connections between literature and the world.
1. Speed writing
2. Video: Extrodinary Teens
3. Follow up questions
4. Read Hunger Games
Friday, November 18, 2011
Objective: Students will understand characters and their motivations
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Tribute Charts
3.Technology Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7ZFRBQ
Wednesday/Thursday, November 16/17, 2011
Objective: Students will understand characters and their motivations
1. Finish Chapter 6, 7
2. Tribute Charts
4. Moodle: Your tribute Name, The Tribute Trials
User Name: id#
Password: last name
5. Chapters 8 and 9
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Objective: Students will understand characters and their motivations
1. Read Chapter 6
2. Tribute Charts
3. Finish Paragraph
Monday, November 14, 2011
Objective: Students will continue to understand major plot elements
1. Read Chapters 4 and 5
2. Answer chapter questions
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Objective: Students will connect to the novel historically and personally.
1. Read Chapter 3, Questions
2. Finish Vocabulary Page
3. Moodle, Gladiators and Summary
4. Read Chapter 4, Questions

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Objective: Students will connect to the novel historically and personally.
1. Read Chapter 4, Questions
2. Finish Vocabulary Page
3. Moodle, Gladiators and Summary
4. Read Chapter 5, Questions
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Objective: Students will continue to be introduced to the novel and it's themes.
1. Finish Chapter 2 and 3
2. Chapter 2 and 3 questions
Monday, November 7, 2011
Objective: Students will continue to be introduced to the novel and it's themes.
1. Finish Chapter 1 and Anticipatory Guide
2. Chapter 1 questions.
3. Begin Chapter 2
Friday, November 4, 2011
Objective: Students will begin preview for the new novel
Hunger Games
1. Anticipatory Guide
2. Vocabulary
3. Chapter 1- The Hunger Games
4. Questions
Wednesday/Thursday, November 2/3, 2011
Objective: Students will debrief test taking experience, read, and finish coursework for 2nd quarter.
1. Debrief: What parts of the tests did you know for sure? What did you do when you weren't sure of an answer? How did you approach the essay portion of the test?
3. Go to play
4. https://ple.platoweb.com/
5. Brain Break: Boggle
6. Vocabulary Games
November 1, 2011
The CaHSEE is today! Good luck!
Objective: Students will connect text to their own lives.
1. Technology survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7ZFRBQ
2. Go to moodle: www.smusd.org/moodle
Online chat - what will the future be like
3. Begin Essay - Attack and Brainstorm and Choose (ABC)
4. Read Hunger Games
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Objective: Students will read for comprehension.
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Write questions
Monday, November 28, 2011
Objective: Students will make connections between literature and the world.
1. Speed writing
2. Video: Extrodinary Teens
3. Follow up questions
4. Read Hunger Games
Friday, November 18, 2011
Objective: Students will understand characters and their motivations
1. Read Hunger Games
2. Tribute Charts
3.Technology Survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7ZFRBQ
Wednesday/Thursday, November 16/17, 2011
Objective: Students will understand characters and their motivations
1. Finish Chapter 6, 7
2. Tribute Charts
4. Moodle: Your tribute Name, The Tribute Trials
User Name: id#
Password: last name
5. Chapters 8 and 9
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Objective: Students will understand characters and their motivations
1. Read Chapter 6
2. Tribute Charts
3. Finish Paragraph
Monday, November 14, 2011
Objective: Students will continue to understand major plot elements
1. Read Chapters 4 and 5
2. Answer chapter questions
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Objective: Students will connect to the novel historically and personally.
1. Read Chapter 3, Questions
2. Finish Vocabulary Page
3. Moodle, Gladiators and Summary
4. Read Chapter 4, Questions

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Objective: Students will connect to the novel historically and personally.
1. Read Chapter 4, Questions
2. Finish Vocabulary Page
3. Moodle, Gladiators and Summary
4. Read Chapter 5, Questions
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Objective: Students will continue to be introduced to the novel and it's themes.
1. Finish Chapter 2 and 3
2. Chapter 2 and 3 questions
Monday, November 7, 2011
Objective: Students will continue to be introduced to the novel and it's themes.
1. Finish Chapter 1 and Anticipatory Guide
2. Chapter 1 questions.
3. Begin Chapter 2
Friday, November 4, 2011
Objective: Students will begin preview for the new novel
Hunger Games
1. Anticipatory Guide
2. Vocabulary
3. Chapter 1- The Hunger Games
4. Questions
Wednesday/Thursday, November 2/3, 2011
Objective: Students will debrief test taking experience, read, and finish coursework for 2nd quarter.
1. Debrief: What parts of the tests did you know for sure? What did you do when you weren't sure of an answer? How did you approach the essay portion of the test?
Secret Word – mhhsgrizzlies
Select Students
Choose State
Enter School Name
3. Go to play
4. https://ple.platoweb.com/
5. Brain Break: Boggle
6. Vocabulary Games
November 1, 2011
The CaHSEE is today! Good luck!
October - Periods 2, 5. 6 - World Lit
This week's homework 10/31/11
1. AoW #9 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover dependent clauses.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday.
Sentence of the week:
As both population and urbanization expand in developing nations, many more people are in harm's way.
1. Announcements
2. AoW #9, The History of Halloween
3. Go to Library to get Things Fall Apart
This week's homework 10/24/11
1. AoW #8 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover dependent clauses.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday.
Sentence of the week:
As both population and urbanization expand in developing nations, many more people are in harm's way.
1. Identify the dependent clause. Identify the independent clause.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Objective: Students will practice writing research questions and apply research skills.
1. Announcements
2. Quiz, AoW #8, collect HW, review quiz
3. Continue research and work online with google docs and buddy.
Wednesday/Thursday, October 26/27, 2011
Objective: Students will practice writing research questions and apply research skills.
1. Review citing structure
2. Notes and Questions
3. Work on "10 things" rough draft. Remember to write down the web addresses where you have collected information.
4. Sample
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Objective: Students will recognize dependent clauses and be able to cite a magazine article.
1. Dependent clauses, notes and practice. Conjunctions.
2. How to cite a non-fiction article.
3. Intro to Things Fall Apart
Monday, October 24, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze non-fiction text for structure, purpose, and main idea.
1. AoW #8 Myths About Earthquakes- annotate, mark AoW vocabulary, use any of the response options, study questions at the end.
This week's homework
1. AoW #7 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due to the benchmark, the AoW will be due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover embedded quotes.
3. Benchmark review - due Block day
4. Benchmark - block day
5. Turn in all Caesar notes: Tuesday
Sentence of the week: Dr. Francks said he was “quite happy with the sentiment of reassuring people that left- handedness is not some weird disability.”
1. How do you punctuate embedded quotes?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of standards from unit 1. Students will analyze information and refine their research and questioning skills.
1. Quiz
2. Analyze your own HW
3. Research for 10 things assignment
4. Sample 10 things: 10 things you should know about the sun.
5. Citing material.
Wednesday/Thursday, October 19/20, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of standards from unit 1. Students will analyze information and refine their research and questioning skills.
1. Check Benchmark Review Sheet, Review Last week's quiz
2. Benchmark
3. Review Leftie article #2
4. Finish your AoW.
5. Pass back proficiency essays: Score Scale
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze a non-fiction document and write related research questions.
1. Writing research questions
2. Embedded quotes
3. Benchmark review
Monday, October 17, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze a non-fiction document and write related research questions.
1. Journal: Write this sentence with the hand you don't normally use:
"I have three kinds of cookies: chocolate-chip, sugar, and peanut-butter."
Once done, switch back to your normal hand and describe the experience of writing with your "wrong" hand.
2. Embedded quotes.
3. AoW #7 - On the Left Hand
4. Research questions.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of theme
2. Turn in HW
3. Go over last week's pre-benchmark test
4. Finish online writing practice.
Wednesday/Thursday, October 12/13, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of theme by writing a five-paragraph essay.
1. Questions?
2. Write Proficiency Essay
3. Re-read proficiency essay
4. Work on AoW
5. Read independently
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Obejctive: Students will discuss how knowledge affects people's decisions.
1. Correct colon HW
2. Go over expectations for Proficiency Essay "Once we know something, or think we do, how does that change our actions?"
3. Group brainstorm. Preparing for your Essay.
Monday, October 10, 2011Obejctive: Students will analyze persuasive appeals.
1. Watch video (part two) of play, Julius Caesar
2. Annotate AoW #6, Antony's funeral oration
3. Begin SMELL overview
Friday, October 7, 2011
1. While Mrs. Hrin is away at her brother's wedding, please take your pre-test seriously. Thanks!
Wednesday/Thursday, October 5 and 6, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to determine main idea. Students will also continue to analyze and apply knowledge of ethos, pathos, and logos.
1. Self assess AoW homework using the rubric
2. AoW and SoW quiz on moodle:
3. Continue Analyzing Act 1, Scene 2 for ethos, pathos and logos
4. Be persuasive writing activity on moodle.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze questions and text to determine which persuasive appeals are being used: ethos, pathos, or logos.
1. Review notes on ethos, pathos and logos. Analyze your survey results to determine whether you are more persuaded by logos or pathos.
2. Analyze Cassius' persuasive message to Brutus.
a. Annotate what is said
b. Identify ethos, pathos, and logos.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze a non-fiction document and connect it to our study of Julius Caesar
2. Sentence of the Week (SoW)a
3. Annotate/Vocab for AoW#5 - Power Without Status Linked to Abuse
4. Pick how you want to respond to the article and get started!
1. AoW #9 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover dependent clauses.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday.
Sentence of the week:
As both population and urbanization expand in developing nations, many more people are in harm's way.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Objective: Students will annotate non-fiction text and analyze it for main idea and support details.1. Announcements
2. AoW #9, The History of Halloween
3. Go to Library to get Things Fall Apart
This week's homework 10/24/11
1. AoW #8 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover dependent clauses.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday.
Sentence of the week:
As both population and urbanization expand in developing nations, many more people are in harm's way.
1. Identify the dependent clause. Identify the independent clause.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Objective: Students will practice writing research questions and apply research skills.
1. Announcements
2. Quiz, AoW #8, collect HW, review quiz
3. Continue research and work online with google docs and buddy.
Wednesday/Thursday, October 26/27, 2011
Objective: Students will practice writing research questions and apply research skills.
1. Review citing structure
2. Notes and Questions
3. Work on "10 things" rough draft. Remember to write down the web addresses where you have collected information.
4. Sample
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Objective: Students will recognize dependent clauses and be able to cite a magazine article.
1. Dependent clauses, notes and practice. Conjunctions.
2. How to cite a non-fiction article.
3. Intro to Things Fall Apart
Monday, October 24, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze non-fiction text for structure, purpose, and main idea.
1. AoW #8 Myths About Earthquakes- annotate, mark AoW vocabulary, use any of the response options, study questions at the end.
This week's homework
1. AoW #7 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due to the benchmark, the AoW will be due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover embedded quotes.
3. Benchmark review - due Block day
4. Benchmark - block day
5. Turn in all Caesar notes: Tuesday
Sentence of the week: Dr. Francks said he was “quite happy with the sentiment of reassuring people that left- handedness is not some weird disability.”
1. How do you punctuate embedded quotes?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of standards from unit 1. Students will analyze information and refine their research and questioning skills.
1. Quiz
2. Analyze your own HW
3. Research for 10 things assignment
4. Sample 10 things: 10 things you should know about the sun.
5. Citing material.
Wednesday/Thursday, October 19/20, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of standards from unit 1. Students will analyze information and refine their research and questioning skills.
1. Check Benchmark Review Sheet, Review Last week's quiz
2. Benchmark
3. Review Leftie article #2
4. Finish your AoW.
5. Pass back proficiency essays: Score Scale
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze a non-fiction document and write related research questions.
1. Writing research questions
2. Embedded quotes
3. Benchmark review
Monday, October 17, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze a non-fiction document and write related research questions.
1. Journal: Write this sentence with the hand you don't normally use:
"I have three kinds of cookies: chocolate-chip, sugar, and peanut-butter."
Once done, switch back to your normal hand and describe the experience of writing with your "wrong" hand.
2. Embedded quotes.
3. AoW #7 - On the Left Hand
4. Research questions.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of theme
2. Turn in HW
3. Go over last week's pre-benchmark test
4. Finish online writing practice.
Wednesday/Thursday, October 12/13, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of theme by writing a five-paragraph essay.
1. Questions?
2. Write Proficiency Essay
3. Re-read proficiency essay
4. Work on AoW
5. Read independently
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Obejctive: Students will discuss how knowledge affects people's decisions.
1. Correct colon HW
2. Go over expectations for Proficiency Essay "Once we know something, or think we do, how does that change our actions?"
3. Group brainstorm. Preparing for your Essay.
Monday, October 10, 2011Obejctive: Students will analyze persuasive appeals.
1. Watch video (part two) of play, Julius Caesar
2. Annotate AoW #6, Antony's funeral oration
3. Begin SMELL overview
Friday, October 7, 2011
1. While Mrs. Hrin is away at her brother's wedding, please take your pre-test seriously. Thanks!
Wednesday/Thursday, October 5 and 6, 2011
Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to determine main idea. Students will also continue to analyze and apply knowledge of ethos, pathos, and logos.
1. Self assess AoW homework using the rubric
2. AoW and SoW quiz on moodle:
3. Continue Analyzing Act 1, Scene 2 for ethos, pathos and logos
4. Be persuasive writing activity on moodle.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze questions and text to determine which persuasive appeals are being used: ethos, pathos, or logos.
1. Review notes on ethos, pathos and logos. Analyze your survey results to determine whether you are more persuaded by logos or pathos.
2. Analyze Cassius' persuasive message to Brutus.
a. Annotate what is said
b. Identify ethos, pathos, and logos.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Objective: Students will analyze a non-fiction document and connect it to our study of Julius Caesar
2. Sentence of the Week (SoW)a
3. Annotate/Vocab for AoW#5 - Power Without Status Linked to Abuse
4. Pick how you want to respond to the article and get started!
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