January, periods 2, 5, and 6

This week's homework 01/30/12

1. Annotation of AoW with discussion ready comments due Tuesday
2. In class writing/debate assignment Block day.
3. Bring novel block day and Friday.
4. Literature Circle Assignment #2 and bullet points - Friday. 
Tuesday, 1/31/12
Objective: Students will work in a group and use tone to demonstrate their opinion.

Do you think the judge made the correct decision?

1. Poster Project

Monday, 1/30/12
Objective: Students will use diction (word choice) to determine tone.
1. Journal
Have you ever knowingly made an unhealthy or unwise choice? Why do some people choose to act in ways they know are dangerous?
2. Article of the Week
3. Vocab Focus
4. Tone Focus

Friday, 1/27/12
Objective: Students discus literary topics such as theme and characterization in a small group format.
1. Review parallel structure:
Parallel structure practice
More Parallel structure practice 
2. Get into literature circle groups, discus, assign individuals tasks for next time.
What to do in your DISCUSSION

Thursday, 1/26/12
Objective: Students will practice discussion skills and understand the format for writing an essay that compares literary themes.
1. Opinion, Evidence, Commentary
2. Discussion: Should cities regulate where to put fast food restaurants?
3. Read story "The Bass, The Rive and Sheila Mant" page 245
4. Fill in chart, take notes on page 254
5. Read your novel and be ready for tomorrow's literature circle meeting.

Wednesday 1/25/12
Compare two pieces of literature for theme and review parallel structure.
1. Read novel
2. Parallel structure practice
3. Read " The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant" page 245.
4. Fill in chart you made on Monday as you read.

Tuesday 1/24/12
Students will analyze literature for theme, vocabulary, literary elements or characterization.

1. Meet in literature groups. Discuss what has been read so far by sharing bullet points.
2. Decide on who will do which assignments. (due Friday)
3. Read and work on assignments.

Monday 1/23/12
Journal: Page 233 in textbook.
1. Make chart, page 232.  Look for these elements as you read.
2. Read the story "Catch the Moon"

This week's homework 01/17/12
1. Article - Annotate, be read to respond in a group discussion on block day.  No written response this week.

2. Bring back Literature Circle permission slip.

3. Bring novel block day and Friday.
4. Have first reading and bullet points done - Friday.

Wednesday/Thursday, January 18/19, 2012
 Objective: Students will use academic language to discussion opinions and evidence.
1. Finish annotation
2. Read novel
3. Class Discussion - Topic of the Week and Chart
Should cities regulate where to put fast food restaurants?
4. Literature Circle Groups

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Objective: Students will be able to state opinions and back them up with text and commentary.
How do you decide what to eat? Convenience? Health? Cravings? How often do you think about what is in your food?
1. Journal
2. Check out novels
3. Read and annotate article

Friday, January 13, 2012

Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of vocabulary and practice research skills.
1. Vocab Quiz/Activity
2. Literature Circles
3. Finish AoW

Wednesday/Thursday, January 11/12, 2012
Objective: Students will be able to write a response to an article that showcases their opinions.
1. AoW Response
2. Spring Lit Circles
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Objective:  Students will be able to form a debatable thesis and learn discussion techniques.

1. Vocab overview
2. your opinion and evidence
3. group discussion practice

Monday, January 9, 2012
Objective:  Students will read critically and be able to form a debatable thesis.
Warm Up - Journal
Do you think people are smarter today or 100 years ago? Explain your opinion using examples.

2. dogs and rabbits
3. New AoW Format - Point/Counterpoint
4. AoW#14 - Are We Smarter Today?

January, Periods 3 and 4

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Objective: Students will study academic vocabulary.
1. Partner Vocabulary poster.

Monday, January 30, 2012
Objective: Students will study academic vocabulary in context.
1. Journal: What type of music do you listen to? What effect does your favorite music have on you?
2. Article: Rap Music
3. Vocab practice.

Friday, January 27, 2012
Objective: Students will recognize different literary devices in poetry and understand the author's purpose in using them.
1. Review parallel structure:
Parallel structure practice
More Parallel structure practice

2. Interactive reader, page 223 - 228

Wednesday/Thursday, January 25/26, 2012
Objective: Students will understand the purpose of idioms and practice decoding common idioms and will read poetry to understand imagery.
1. Idioms practice
2. Poetry - Interactive Reader, page 217

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Objective: Students will be able to identify literary elements in a poem.

1. Review connotation
2. Review literary devices
3. Read and discuss the poem "Ode to Mi Gato"
4. Team competition, find the literary device.

Monday, January 23, 2012
Objective: Students will understand positive and negative word connotation
1. Review vocab on pages 134 of interactive readers
2. Make word chart (bottom of page 134)
3. Read "An Hour with Abuelo"
4. Find 10 words that have some type of connotation and decide if they are positive or negative
5. Answer questions in the margins.

Wednesday/Thursday, January 18/19, 2012
Objective: Students will analyze poetry for mood and theme.
1. Finish poetry analysis from yesterday
2. Oranges - annotate
3. Lead in Chunk - Oranges
4. Oranges - Quiz
5. Final Draft -  Ode.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Objective: Students will analyze poetry for them
What does one have to do to write a poem? What needs to be included?
1. Choose a poem to work on with a partner. 
2. Observe, Question, Interpret 

Friday, January 13, 2012
Objective: Students will analyze poetry for theme and practice the writing strategy: fluency
Journal: Which is better: being a child or being an adult? Explain your answer.
1. Framed poetry response
2. Your ode
Wednesday/Thursday, January 11/12, 2012
Describe a childhood memory. Use details such as a specific location, names of people, descriptions, etc.
Objective: students will be able to identify figurative language in a lyric poem.

1. Review yesterday's notes.
2. Read "Ode to Los Raspados" and mark observations.
3. Identify figurative language and symbolism in the poem.
4. Comic strip
5. Write your own ode

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1. Finish intro to poetry
2. Figurative Language overview

Monday, January 9, 2012

Describe one event from the last three weeks.  Give details and be specific.
1. Review CaHSEE scores
2. Intro to Poetry