1. AoW #12 - Annotate, label, respond. Be ready for the quiz on Friday
2. Reading Quiz, chapters 11 -13, due Block Day, Chapters 14 and 15 due Friday.
3. Optional: bring money to donate to Heifer International.
Sentence of the week: "You know, if they work hard and stay in school."
What makes this sentence a fragment? Rewrite it to make it a complete sentence.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Objective: Students will practice reading comprehension skills and connect to historic literature.
1. Quiz, Chapter 11 - 13
2. Moodle Forum.
Go to www.smusd.org/moodle
3. Analysis of Chapter 7
4. Vocabulary chapter 14 - 19
5. Read Chapter 14 and 15
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Objective: Students will practice listening and speaking skills. Students will practice reading comprehension skills.
1. Warm up
2. read Things Fall Apart, chapters 11 - 13
3. Presentations
4. Clockface
Monday, November 28, 2011
Objective: Students will make connections between different literary genres.
Journal: What do you feel are some advantages to living in the United States? Are there disadvantages?
1. Preview Vocabulary
2. Video, Our Century's Great Injustice by Sheryl WuDunn
3. AoW12
4. Heiffer International
5. Presentations
This week's homework 11/14/11
1. AoW #11 - Annotate your section of "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" by Horace Miner with your group. Respond to the questions on the next page.
2. AoW quiz- none this week
3. Reading Quiz, chapters 6-7, due Tuesday. Chapters 8-10, due Friday.
3. 10 things final draft/presentation/works cited page - typed due Tuesday (11/15/11). (sample)
Sentence of the week:
none this week
Friday, November 18, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes, practicing their listening and speaking skills
1. Quiz ch. 6 - 10
2. Presentations
3. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Wednesday/Thursday, November 16/17, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes. Students will continue to understand major plot elements of the novel and will practice vocabulary.
1. Read chapters 6-10, answer all questions 9 - 23
2. Vocabulary, chapters 8 - 10
3. Presentations.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes
1. Set up Cornell Notes
2. Presentations
Monday, November 14, 2011
Objective: Students will connect novel readings to modern societal customs.Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes. Students will continue to understand major plot elements of the novel and will practice vocabulary.
1. Read chapters 6-10, answer all questions 9 - 23
2. Vocabulary, chapters 8 - 10
3. Presentations.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Objective: Students will present research projects and take notes
1. Set up Cornell Notes
2. Presentations
Monday, November 14, 2011
1. AoW #11- Vocabulary
2. AoW #11- "Body Ritual Among the Nacirema"
3. Read chapter 6.
Wednesday/Thursday, November 9/10, 2011
Objective: Students will be able to correctly cite source material.1. Chapter 5 - 7 Vocabulary
2. Chapter 5
2. Finish AoW #10
3. Work on Presentations
4. Make a works cited page, include where you found images
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Objective: Students will read and annotate for main idea and supporting details.1. Read Chapter 4
2. Quiz
3. AoW #10
Monday, November 7, 2011
Objective: Students use technology to present their research topic.1. AoW #10
2. Begin presentation - prezi, or google doc presentation
This week's homework 10/31/11
1. AoW #9 - Annotate and respond using any of the responses you would like. Due Friday.
2. AoW quiz -(on Friday) see questions at the bottom of this week's AoW. Questions will also cover compound-complex sentences.
3. 10 things rough draft - typed due Friday. (sample)
Sentence of the week:
Jack, it seems, was a bad man. He kept all his money to himself. He wouldn't help people for all of his life.
Combine these sentences without changing the meaning.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Objective: Students will know the major characters in TFA and understand plot development of novel.1. AoW #9 quiz, moodle
2. Read chapters 2 and 3
2. Answer Questions 1 and 2 in packet.
Wednesday/Thursday, November 2/3, 2011
Objective: Students will preview background and vocabulary for TFA. Students will finish researching mini-topics.1. Complex-compound sentences
2. Welcome to Unit Two: The Impact Effect (Packet)
2. Introduction to Things Fall Apart, Map of Africa
3. Vocabulary, Chapters 1 - 4 (Packet)
4. Chapter 1
5. Finish Research
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
1. Mrs. Cobb will be your guest teacher today.
2. Read and Annotate about the life and background of the author
3. Finished? Work on AoW
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