March, Period 2, 5, 6

This week's homework 03/26/12

1. AoW 21 - annotate, questions, window pane, tp-castt, quiz - due Friday
2. Bring research materials block and Friday.
3. Tuesday and Thursday after school help on Research Paper. Computers available. 
4. Work on research paper.

Friday, March 30, 2012
Objective: Students will write conclusions that demonstrate universal themes.
1. Quiz - Moodle
2. MLA format
3. Work Cited

Wednesday/Thursday, March 28/29, 2012
Objective: Students will write conclusions that demonstrate universal themes.
1. conclusions - moodle
2. check/fix introductions
3. research, write, work!
4. finish AoW work

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Objective: Students will analyze sonnets for meaning and figurative language
1. Finish window pane
2. Begin annotation and TP-CASTT

Monday, March 26, 2012
Objective: Students will analyze sonnets for meaning and figurative language
1. Journal: Write about a time when lies or rumors were spread about you. How did you feel? 75 words.
2. AoW 21 - Sonnet
3. Window Pane

This week's homework 03/19/12

1. AoW 20 - annotate, questions, window pane, tp-castt, quiz - due Friday

2. Bring research materials block and Friday.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Objective: Students will continue to practice using transitions and parenthetical citations in their research writing.
1. Turn in AoW 
2. Quiz
3. Finish intro paragraph and combine with other paragraphs
4. Write research paper/research

Wednesday/Thursday, March 21/22, 2012
Objective: Students will use summary elements to write research intro paragraphs. 
1. Work on AoW - 20 mins
2. Transitions Mini-lesson
3. Summary exchange activity
4. Write Intro paragraph on Moodle
5. Work on research, writing

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Objective: Students will understand elements of a sonnet
1. Finish Window Pane
2. Annotate poem - figurative language- how it contributes to theme and tone.

Monday, March 19, 2012
Objective: Students will understand elements of a sonnet
1. Italian Sonnet - AoW 20
2. Window Pane

This week's homework 03/12/12

1. Study for CaHSEE
2. Go to bed early Monday and Tuesday!
3. Practice Reason Paragraphs - due Friday
4. Journals - due Friday
Friday, March 16, 2012
students will embed quotes into research paragraphs.
1. collect journals
2. cloze notes - quotes and citations
3. paragraph practice - embed quotes -

Thursday, March 15, 2012
objective: students will understand essay paragraph structure.
1. warm up
2. Research. Finish outline, front and back.

Tuesday/Wednesday March 13/14, 2012
The CaHSEE test is today!
Students will work on their research paper after the state test.

Monday, March 12, 2012
Objective: Students will review for CaHSEE and begin research paper outline.
1. return novels
2. journal - list test taking strategies
3. capitalization review
4. Practice Reason Paragraphs and parenthetical citations

This week's homework 03/05/12

1. Study for CaHSEE
2. In class Practice CaHSEE essay - block day
3. Research paper outline - Block Day and Friday
4. Novels returned on Monday 

Friday, March 9, 2012
Objective: Students will practice essay organization.
1. Finish intro-paragraph for CaHSEE practice
2. Write Research paper thesis
3. Begin writing research paper.

Wednesday/Thursday, March 7, 8, 2012
Objective: Students will review concepts tested on the CaHSEE and practice writing the CaHSEE essay.
1. CaHSEE carousel
2. How to write a CaHSEE essay
a. Attack the prompt
b. Brainstorm
c. Choose the order and your thesis
3. Practice writing the introductory paragraph

Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Welcome Parents!
Objective: students will master four concepts covered on the CaHSEE test.
Journal: 100 words (you must have a least one serious, well-thought out answer.)

Today is Shadow a Grizzly Day!  If your parent is here with you, what do you hope they will realize about your school life?

If your parent is not here with you, what would you like your parents to know about your school life that they don't already know?

1. Journal
2. Circles of Communication
3. What I learned/remembered.... (in journal)

Monday, March 5, 2012
Students will review material missed on benchmark review and begin organization of research paper. 
1.  go over benchmark
2.  research outline

This week's homework 02/28/12

1. AoW 19 - Annotation only - due block day
2. Benchmark on block day
3. Novel finals are Friday.
4. Literature Circle packet - due Friday

Thursday, March 1, 2012
Students will demonstrate their mastery of course material by taking a district benchmark. 
1.  Review active/passive voice
2.  Benchmark
3Analyze proficiency essay sentence structure.
4. Rewrite 3 - 4 sentences. Moodle

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